Green juices are power-packed with nutrition, improves digestion, and the blood circulation as a result gives your body a boost of energy. This green goodie is the key for healthy blood cell and muscle function, and bone health. Women's need extra during your periods and pregnancy. Green juices are perfect for diabetics. You can drink pure organic vegetable juices or you can sweeten with low glycemic fruits like green apples, green pears... Stevia is also a great addition for diabetics.
Organic Green juices are known to help the body to cleanse, heal, rebuild and to support health on every level to function the body properly. Juicing is instant, abundant and natural nutrition that can pass almost directly into your blood stream to begin feeding your cells and restoring your immune system. Whole foods are still essential, but they require a lot of energy for digestion.
A general-rule when you make your juice is to drink it right away; when exposed to light and oxygen nutrients begin to oxidize. If you are not drinking it right away store in an airtight mason jar for later consumption.
*When eating raw food, be sure to soak them in a little bit of natural salt water and then wash them in cold water. This takes away any harmful organisms on the food.
*100% Detoxification happens 3% By Cleansing Colon Pipes + 7% By Urination + 20% By body Sweating + 70% By Breathing (Regular breathing, Pranayama, and Kapaalbhati).
Recipe.1) Healthy Green Juice For Beauty and Skin Glow.
-Kale or Collard greens or Bok Choy
-Green Apples
Process Green apples, Cucumber, Kale, and Ginger through a juicer.
Note: Spinach has to be taken cooked or boiled, not the raw as it has high oxalic acid which is not good to eat raw, this gets destroyed when the leaves are boiled or heated. So cooked or boiled spinach is good for health, contains many nutrients.
Recipe.2) (Make Your Own Flu Shot Juice To Keep You Healthy)
-4 stalks of Celery
-1 Cucumber
-1 bunch of Kale or Collard greens
-1/2 a Lemon
-2 Green Apples
-Ginger root (optional)
Process Green apples, Celery, Cucumber, Kale, and Lemon through a juicer.
Recipe.3) (Gerson green juice recipe for cancer cure)
~Dark green lettuces – ¼ to ½ of a head (depending on the size of the lettuce): red and green leaf lettuces, romaine, endives.
~Iceberg is useless and do not use
~Escarole – 2 or 3 leaves
~Beet tops (young inner leaves) – 2 to 3 leaves
~Watercress – 5 or 6 leaves *Watercress most important herb for cancer cure. If not available, use broccoli.
~Red cabbage – 2 or 3 leaves
~Green bell pepper – ¼
~Swiss chard – little
~Green apple - 1
Process the above greens ingredients through a juicer.
*List of foods having angiogenesis substances which prevents and fights cancer: Eat vitamin E foods (Sunflower seeds, Almonds, Spinach, Kale, Avocado, Peanuts), Pumpkin Seeds, Turmeric, Tomato's, Parsley, Apples, Berries, Red Grapes, Lemons, and Drink Green Tea Daily.
Recipe.4) Wheatgrass Juice for many health benefits
Mix 1 tsp of wheatgrass powder with water and drink full glass on empty stomach.
Uses: Wheatgrass is one of the most healthy substances, energy drink on earth. Wheatgrass has highest beta carotene, chlorophyll and many other nutrients like protein, vitamin E, potassium, calcium, and magnesium. Drinking daily (30 ml) of wheatgrass juice helps you in building blood, protects you from illness, helps in removal of acne (pimples), removal of scars, helps in healing any skin problems such as eczema or psoriasis. Wheatgrass keeps the hair from graying, helps sore throat, eliminates toothaches, improves digestion, clears the bad breath. Wheatgrass improves blood sugar problems, helps purify the liver, helps the tissues in refining, also cleans the drugs deposits from the body. It is a powerful detoxifier, and liver and blood protector. The enzymes and amino acids found in wheatgrass can protect us from carcinogens like no other food or medicine. It strengthens our cells, detoxifies the liver and bloodstream, and chemically neutralizes environmental pollutants.
Recipe.5) (Carrot~Beet drink for energy and vision)
-Green Apples (not the sweet ones)
Process Beetroot, Carrots and Apples through a juicer.
1. Good source of vitamin A, improves eye vision.
2. Improves energy and stamina, also known as "natural viagra".
3. Protects you from cancer
4. Boosts brain power and may treat dementia
5. Its rich in source of iron
6. Beats constipation and keeps the stomach healthy
7. Treats anemia, improves red blood cells which provide better oxygen to the body tissues.
8. Reduces bad 'LDL' cholesterol
9. It improves muscle strength & glows skin.
Recipe.6) Detox with Parsley and Cilantro (Coriander):
Parsley and Cilantro are very powerful natural green plant foods for detoxing heavy metals out of your body. Add these amazing herbs to juices, salads, meals and soups.
-Cilantro (coriander)
-Pumpkin seeds (magnesium, zinc sources)
-Lemon Juice (Vitamin C source)
Process Parsley, Cilantro, Pumpkin and Lemon juice through a juicer.
*All Fresh, organic green juices provide: Chlorophyll and Magnesium to alkalize your body, Chlorophyll improves oxygen transport throughout your body, Enzymes, enzymes and more enzymes, Vitamins and minerals that are easily assimilated, Life-giving water, Important amino acids for your cells to rebuild.
Laukhi/ Dudhi/ Sorakaya/ Green Squash for removal of blockages:
When taken juice of ( Laukhi / Bottle Gourd/ Green Squash + Mint + Cilantro) for three months in the morning on empty stomach, as per Ayurveda all the heart arteries blockages will be removed. Note: *DO NOT use bitter bottle gourd, as it is very harmful to the body, just throw it away.
Recipe.8) Moringa Smoothie for Stronger Bones & Iron:
Moringa Powder
Banana Or Pineapple Cubes
Almond butter
Pure Coconut Oil
Combine all of the ingredients Moringa Powder, Banana, Almond butter, and Coconut oil in a juicer. Blend on high speed until smooth, about two minutes. If the shake is too thick, add more water until you reach a thick but drinkable consistency. Serve chilled.
Recipe.9) Natural Cleanser That Will Eliminate All Body Odors:
2 apples
4-5 leaves of fresh kale
1 bunch of parsley
freshly squeezed lemon juice from 1 lemon
1 piece of ginger
– Wash all the ingredients thoroughly with cold water and put them in a blender all at once.
– If the fruit and vegetables are not made cool enough, then you can add several ice cubes.
– Mix everything well, and consume the drink either in the morning on an empty stomach, or between meals. Enjoy!
Recipe.10) Juice relieves Asthma:
Recipe.11) Delicious Almond Banana Healthy Smoothie:
1 ripe organic banana
1 cup unsweetened almond milk
1 tablespoon almond butter
1 tablespoon honey
2 spoonful flax seed
2 ice cubes
Combine all the ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Garnish with sliced almonds and flax seeds on the top.
Recipe.12) Delicious Almond OATS Smoothie:
Oats, known for its high soluble fiber content, absorbs the extra fat and flushes it out of the system. This smoothie on its own can be had for a healthy, filling breakfast.
4 tbsp - Oats
3 cups - Milk
10 Dates
6 Almonds
Combine all the ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Garnish with sliced almonds and dates on the top.
Recipe.13) Protein Shake:
This shake will power you through the hardest and longest of days. It is 100 percent whole, fresh, real food with a spotlight on healthy fats and potent antioxidants from the blueberries.
1 cup frozen wild blueberries
2 tablespoons almond butter
2 tablespoons pumpkin seeds
2 tablespoons chia seeds
2 tablespoons hemp seeds
4 walnuts
3 Brazil nuts
1 large banana
1 leaf of kale
1 tablespoon extra- virgin coconut oil
1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk
1 cup water
Combine all of the ingredients in a blender. Blend on high speed until smooth, about two minutes. If the shake is too thick, add more water until you reach a thick but drinkable consistency. Serve chilled.
Recipe.14) Groundnut-Fruit Smoothie:
Take a handful of groundnuts (soaked overnight in water).
Put them in the blender.
Add a little water.
Add fruit if you want.
Churn till it becomes like a porridge.
Add more water if you want it like a milkshake.
One large glass of groundnut banana milkshake can easily keep you going for a few hours. It’s a good, easy-to-prepare breakfast. You can have it ready in three minutes and finish it off in the next two minutes.
Recipe.15) Dates Balls
Ingredients Quantity
Black dates 20
Cashew nuts 10
Almonds 6
Dry coconut ½
Pumpkin seeds 1 tablespoon
Method of preparation
1. Remove the seeds of the black dates. Put dates in an open vessel and mash with your hands.
2. Coarsely crush or chop the cashew nuts and almonds. Add to dates with pumpkin seeds and mix everything well using your hands.
3. Divide into bite sized portions and shape into balls.
4. Grate the coconut and place in a plate.
5. Put the date balls on the coconut and roll each so that they are covered with grated coconut.
6. Serve.
Date balls have a shelf life of 10 days under refrigeration. Nuts like pistachios and walnuts can also be added. Dates are nutritious and also satisfy your sweet-tooth, making them ideal replacements for sweets.
Recipe.16) Ragi Dosa (not a juice) healthy pan cakes:
Ingredients Quantity
Finger millet (ragi) flour 1 cup
Split black gram flour (coarse urad flour) 1 cup
Cumin seeds, optional 1 teaspoon
Salt to taste
Curry leaves 8-10
Oil to cook
Method of preparation
1. Put both the flours in a deep vessel and add water slowly, mixing continuously, to make a batter with the consistency like a dosa batter.
2. Allow batter to rest for 2 hours.
3. Add cumin seeds, salt and hand torn curry leaves and make dosas, using oil as required, on a hot dosa tawa. Coarse urad flour can be replaced with idli flour. In case you do not want to use the 2 hours resting period for the batter, add ¼ cup sour yogurt to the batter. Rest for 15-20 minutes and proceed with the cooking.
More Juice Recipes:
Visit the sites for more popular Juice Recipes, and many others: (Very popular recipe site) (Inspiring video.. must watch) (List of various healthy juices..) (List of best juicers, List of juices for cancer cure). (Best information on healing cancer..) (Vegan Recipes, and many others..) (Dr. Alejandro .. Health Recipes) (Very popular Indian Recipes, free videos from Sanjay Thumma.)
Note: Many health doctors suggests to eat and chew the fruits, but not to drink the fruit juice as when we drink the fruit juice (fructose) goes directly, quickly into the blood stream, raises the sugar levels, which is not good for health. So instead, make veggie green juices with one fruit apple or oranges added to it.
*FRUITS SHOULD BE EATEN ON A EMPTY STOMACH. It will play a major role to detoxify your system, supplying a great deal of energy for weight loss and other life activities. Note: where as the Diabetic patients, should take fruits in between the meals, not on empty stomach.
*Gray hair, balding, nervous outburst, and dark circles under eyes will NOT happen by taking fruit on an empty stomach.
Food That Improves Vision (List of Vitamin A-rich foods):
Carotenoid forms of vitamin A are provided by most of the vegetables, and fruits. Following are the excellent source of vitamin A to consume:
1.Sweet Potato
5.Spinach, Avocado
6.Collard Greens
7.Swiss Chard
8.Green Beens
9.Bell Peppers
10.Parsley, Cilantro
14.Indian Gooseberry (Amla)
15.Fennel Seeds (Soaked)
Fruits: Cantaloupe, Papaya, Blueberry, Grapefruit, Apricot and Watermelon.
Retinoids forms of vitamin A are provided by animal foods: Cow's milk, Shrimp, Eggs, Salmon, Cheese, Yogurt, Sardines, Tuna, Cod, and Chicken.
***Why you must drink Carrot Juice***
It will do good for your overall health and such organs as skin and eyes, digestive system and teeth.
It will purify and revitalize your blood.
It will keep your blood pressure and blood sugar under control.
It will reduce cholesterol and heart diseases. Vitamin K present in carrot juice helps blood to clot. Vitamin K is safe, unless you are at risk for blood clots. Vitamin K causes the blood to coagulate, thereby reducing the risk of bleeding. Rich sources of Vitamin K include turnip greens, broccoli, kale, cabbage and asparagus.
It will kill harmful germs in your mouth and prevent your tooth decay. Vitamin C helps to heal wounds and keeps the gums healthy.
It will help your digestion and prevent gastric disorders.
It will reduce the risk of cancers. Increased intake of carotenoids in carrot juice has been said to decrease instances of bladder, prostate, colon and breast cancer
If you are a mother, it will improve the quality of your breast milk.
If having periods, it will increase your menstrual flow.
It also increases hair growth and nail strength, as well as your eyesight.
**8 ounces of carrot juice contain: 800% of daily vitamin A dosage; 35% of recommended vitamin C; 10% of potassium intake level; 6% of needed calcium.
**Pure carrot juice is an extremely low calorie drink. That's why it is an excellent helper for weight loss also. If you are a dieter, athlete or weightlifter, carrot juicing + dairy blending will be true protein power.
Organic Green juices are known to help the body to cleanse, heal, rebuild and to support health on every level to function the body properly. Juicing is instant, abundant and natural nutrition that can pass almost directly into your blood stream to begin feeding your cells and restoring your immune system. Whole foods are still essential, but they require a lot of energy for digestion.
A general-rule when you make your juice is to drink it right away; when exposed to light and oxygen nutrients begin to oxidize. If you are not drinking it right away store in an airtight mason jar for later consumption.
*When eating raw food, be sure to soak them in a little bit of natural salt water and then wash them in cold water. This takes away any harmful organisms on the food.
*100% Detoxification happens 3% By Cleansing Colon Pipes + 7% By Urination + 20% By body Sweating + 70% By Breathing (Regular breathing, Pranayama, and Kapaalbhati).
Recipe.1) Healthy Green Juice For Beauty and Skin Glow.
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Kale, Cucumber, Green Apples, Ginger |
-Green Apples
Process Green apples, Cucumber, Kale, and Ginger through a juicer.
Note: Spinach has to be taken cooked or boiled, not the raw as it has high oxalic acid which is not good to eat raw, this gets destroyed when the leaves are boiled or heated. So cooked or boiled spinach is good for health, contains many nutrients.
Recipe.2) (Make Your Own Flu Shot Juice To Keep You Healthy)
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Kale, Celery, Apples, Lemon |
-1 Cucumber
-1 bunch of Kale or Collard greens
-1/2 a Lemon
-2 Green Apples
-Ginger root (optional)
Process Green apples, Celery, Cucumber, Kale, and Lemon through a juicer.
Recipe.3) (Gerson green juice recipe for cancer cure)
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Lettuce, Red Cabbage, Beet Greens, Watercress, Green bell, Swiss Chard, Green Apple |
~Iceberg is useless and do not use
~Escarole – 2 or 3 leaves
~Beet tops (young inner leaves) – 2 to 3 leaves
~Watercress – 5 or 6 leaves *Watercress most important herb for cancer cure. If not available, use broccoli.
~Red cabbage – 2 or 3 leaves
~Green bell pepper – ¼
~Swiss chard – little
~Green apple - 1
Process the above greens ingredients through a juicer.
*List of foods having angiogenesis substances which prevents and fights cancer: Eat vitamin E foods (Sunflower seeds, Almonds, Spinach, Kale, Avocado, Peanuts), Pumpkin Seeds, Turmeric, Tomato's, Parsley, Apples, Berries, Red Grapes, Lemons, and Drink Green Tea Daily.
Recipe.4) Wheatgrass Juice for many health benefits
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Wheatgrass Healthy Drink |
Mix 1 tsp of wheatgrass powder with water and drink full glass on empty stomach.
Uses: Wheatgrass is one of the most healthy substances, energy drink on earth. Wheatgrass has highest beta carotene, chlorophyll and many other nutrients like protein, vitamin E, potassium, calcium, and magnesium. Drinking daily (30 ml) of wheatgrass juice helps you in building blood, protects you from illness, helps in removal of acne (pimples), removal of scars, helps in healing any skin problems such as eczema or psoriasis. Wheatgrass keeps the hair from graying, helps sore throat, eliminates toothaches, improves digestion, clears the bad breath. Wheatgrass improves blood sugar problems, helps purify the liver, helps the tissues in refining, also cleans the drugs deposits from the body. It is a powerful detoxifier, and liver and blood protector. The enzymes and amino acids found in wheatgrass can protect us from carcinogens like no other food or medicine. It strengthens our cells, detoxifies the liver and bloodstream, and chemically neutralizes environmental pollutants.
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Carrots, Beets & Green Apples |
-Green Apples (not the sweet ones)
Process Beetroot, Carrots and Apples through a juicer.
1. Good source of vitamin A, improves eye vision.
2. Improves energy and stamina, also known as "natural viagra".
3. Protects you from cancer
4. Boosts brain power and may treat dementia
5. Its rich in source of iron
6. Beats constipation and keeps the stomach healthy
7. Treats anemia, improves red blood cells which provide better oxygen to the body tissues.
8. Reduces bad 'LDL' cholesterol
9. It improves muscle strength & glows skin.
Recipe.6) Detox with Parsley and Cilantro (Coriander):
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Parsley Cilantro Lemon Juice |
-Cilantro (coriander)
-Pumpkin seeds (magnesium, zinc sources)
-Lemon Juice (Vitamin C source)
Process Parsley, Cilantro, Pumpkin and Lemon juice through a juicer.
*All Fresh, organic green juices provide: Chlorophyll and Magnesium to alkalize your body, Chlorophyll improves oxygen transport throughout your body, Enzymes, enzymes and more enzymes, Vitamins and minerals that are easily assimilated, Life-giving water, Important amino acids for your cells to rebuild.

When taken juice of ( Laukhi / Bottle Gourd/ Green Squash + Mint + Cilantro) for three months in the morning on empty stomach, as per Ayurveda all the heart arteries blockages will be removed. Note: *DO NOT use bitter bottle gourd, as it is very harmful to the body, just throw it away.
Recipe.8) Moringa Smoothie for Stronger Bones & Iron:

Moringa Powder
Banana Or Pineapple Cubes
Almond butter
Pure Coconut Oil
Combine all of the ingredients Moringa Powder, Banana, Almond butter, and Coconut oil in a juicer. Blend on high speed until smooth, about two minutes. If the shake is too thick, add more water until you reach a thick but drinkable consistency. Serve chilled.
Recipe.9) Natural Cleanser That Will Eliminate All Body Odors:
2 apples
4-5 leaves of fresh kale
1 bunch of parsley
freshly squeezed lemon juice from 1 lemon
1 piece of ginger
– Wash all the ingredients thoroughly with cold water and put them in a blender all at once.
– If the fruit and vegetables are not made cool enough, then you can add several ice cubes.
– Mix everything well, and consume the drink either in the morning on an empty stomach, or between meals. Enjoy!
Recipe.10) Juice relieves Asthma:
Recipe.11) Delicious Almond Banana Healthy Smoothie:
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Almond Banana Smoothie |
1 ripe organic banana
1 cup unsweetened almond milk
1 tablespoon almond butter
1 tablespoon honey
2 spoonful flax seed
2 ice cubes
Combine all the ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Garnish with sliced almonds and flax seeds on the top.
Recipe.12) Delicious Almond OATS Smoothie:
Oats, known for its high soluble fiber content, absorbs the extra fat and flushes it out of the system. This smoothie on its own can be had for a healthy, filling breakfast.
4 tbsp - Oats
3 cups - Milk
10 Dates
6 Almonds
Combine all the ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Garnish with sliced almonds and dates on the top.
Recipe.13) Protein Shake:
This shake will power you through the hardest and longest of days. It is 100 percent whole, fresh, real food with a spotlight on healthy fats and potent antioxidants from the blueberries.
1 cup frozen wild blueberries
2 tablespoons almond butter
2 tablespoons pumpkin seeds
2 tablespoons chia seeds
2 tablespoons hemp seeds
4 walnuts
3 Brazil nuts
1 large banana
1 leaf of kale
1 tablespoon extra- virgin coconut oil
1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk
1 cup water
Combine all of the ingredients in a blender. Blend on high speed until smooth, about two minutes. If the shake is too thick, add more water until you reach a thick but drinkable consistency. Serve chilled.
Recipe.14) Groundnut-Fruit Smoothie:
Take a handful of groundnuts (soaked overnight in water).
Put them in the blender.
Add a little water.
Add fruit if you want.
Churn till it becomes like a porridge.
Add more water if you want it like a milkshake.
One large glass of groundnut banana milkshake can easily keep you going for a few hours. It’s a good, easy-to-prepare breakfast. You can have it ready in three minutes and finish it off in the next two minutes.
Recipe.15) Dates Balls
Ingredients Quantity
Black dates 20
Cashew nuts 10
Almonds 6
Dry coconut ½
Pumpkin seeds 1 tablespoon
Method of preparation
1. Remove the seeds of the black dates. Put dates in an open vessel and mash with your hands.
2. Coarsely crush or chop the cashew nuts and almonds. Add to dates with pumpkin seeds and mix everything well using your hands.
3. Divide into bite sized portions and shape into balls.
4. Grate the coconut and place in a plate.
5. Put the date balls on the coconut and roll each so that they are covered with grated coconut.
6. Serve.
Date balls have a shelf life of 10 days under refrigeration. Nuts like pistachios and walnuts can also be added. Dates are nutritious and also satisfy your sweet-tooth, making them ideal replacements for sweets.
Recipe.16) Ragi Dosa (not a juice) healthy pan cakes:
Ingredients Quantity
Finger millet (ragi) flour 1 cup
Split black gram flour (coarse urad flour) 1 cup
Cumin seeds, optional 1 teaspoon
Salt to taste
Curry leaves 8-10
Oil to cook
Method of preparation
1. Put both the flours in a deep vessel and add water slowly, mixing continuously, to make a batter with the consistency like a dosa batter.
2. Allow batter to rest for 2 hours.
3. Add cumin seeds, salt and hand torn curry leaves and make dosas, using oil as required, on a hot dosa tawa. Coarse urad flour can be replaced with idli flour. In case you do not want to use the 2 hours resting period for the batter, add ¼ cup sour yogurt to the batter. Rest for 15-20 minutes and proceed with the cooking.
More Juice Recipes:
- Carrot + Ginger + Apple - Boost and cleanse our system.
- Apple + Cucumber + Celery - Prevent cancer, reduce cholesterol, and eliminate stomach upset and headache.
- Tomato + Carrot + Apple - Improves skin complexion and eliminates bad breath.
- Bitter gourd + Apple + Milk - Avoid bad breath and reduce internal body heat.
- Orange + Ginger + Cucumber - Improve Skin texture and moisture and reduce body heat.
- Pineapple + Apple + Watermelon - To dispel excess salts, nourishes the bladder and kidney.
- Apple + Cucumber + Kiwi - To improve skin complexion.
- Pear & Banana - regulates sugar content.
- Carrot + Apple + Pear + Mango - Clear body heat, counteracts toxicity, decreased blood pressure and fight oxidization .
- Honeydew + Grape + Watermelon + Milk - Rich in vitamin C + Vitamin B2 that increase cell activity and strengthen body immunity.
- Papaya + Pineapple + Milk - Rich in vitamin C, E, Iron. Improves skin complexion and metabolism.
- Banana + Pineapple + Milk - Rich in vitamin with nutritious and prevent constipation.
Visit the sites for more popular Juice Recipes, and many others: (Very popular recipe site) (Inspiring video.. must watch) (List of various healthy juices..) (List of best juicers, List of juices for cancer cure). (Best information on healing cancer..) (Vegan Recipes, and many others..) (Dr. Alejandro .. Health Recipes) (Very popular Indian Recipes, free videos from Sanjay Thumma.)
Note: Many health doctors suggests to eat and chew the fruits, but not to drink the fruit juice as when we drink the fruit juice (fructose) goes directly, quickly into the blood stream, raises the sugar levels, which is not good for health. So instead, make veggie green juices with one fruit apple or oranges added to it.
*FRUITS SHOULD BE EATEN ON A EMPTY STOMACH. It will play a major role to detoxify your system, supplying a great deal of energy for weight loss and other life activities. Note: where as the Diabetic patients, should take fruits in between the meals, not on empty stomach.
*Gray hair, balding, nervous outburst, and dark circles under eyes will NOT happen by taking fruit on an empty stomach.
Food That Improves Vision (List of Vitamin A-rich foods):
Carotenoid forms of vitamin A are provided by most of the vegetables, and fruits. Following are the excellent source of vitamin A to consume:
1.Sweet Potato

5.Spinach, Avocado
6.Collard Greens
7.Swiss Chard
8.Green Beens
9.Bell Peppers
10.Parsley, Cilantro
14.Indian Gooseberry (Amla)
15.Fennel Seeds (Soaked)
Fruits: Cantaloupe, Papaya, Blueberry, Grapefruit, Apricot and Watermelon.
Retinoids forms of vitamin A are provided by animal foods: Cow's milk, Shrimp, Eggs, Salmon, Cheese, Yogurt, Sardines, Tuna, Cod, and Chicken.
***Why you must drink Carrot Juice***
It will do good for your overall health and such organs as skin and eyes, digestive system and teeth.
It will purify and revitalize your blood.
It will keep your blood pressure and blood sugar under control.
It will reduce cholesterol and heart diseases. Vitamin K present in carrot juice helps blood to clot. Vitamin K is safe, unless you are at risk for blood clots. Vitamin K causes the blood to coagulate, thereby reducing the risk of bleeding. Rich sources of Vitamin K include turnip greens, broccoli, kale, cabbage and asparagus.
It will kill harmful germs in your mouth and prevent your tooth decay. Vitamin C helps to heal wounds and keeps the gums healthy.
It will help your digestion and prevent gastric disorders.

If you are a mother, it will improve the quality of your breast milk.
If having periods, it will increase your menstrual flow.
It also increases hair growth and nail strength, as well as your eyesight.
**8 ounces of carrot juice contain: 800% of daily vitamin A dosage; 35% of recommended vitamin C; 10% of potassium intake level; 6% of needed calcium.
**Pure carrot juice is an extremely low calorie drink. That's why it is an excellent helper for weight loss also. If you are a dieter, athlete or weightlifter, carrot juicing + dairy blending will be true protein power.
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