The list below is written based on my personal experiences and suggestions from various health doctors and knowledgeable friends. If followed Do's and Don't list, there is the possibility of improving your health tremendously!
Most of our health problems will be reduced and resolved if we understand the good and bad facts of FOOD, what to eat and what not to eat or drink. To boost up our healthy life, Exercise and Yoga is a must. Most importantly ensure our KITCHEN is clean and has all safe vessels to cook organic ingredients fiber food. In reality "we are what we eat", so eat good nutrition fiber food and try to understand more about your body. Ayurveda and Doctors claim that digestion is a cornerstone of health. They say that you must cleanse your colon pipes at least once a day to maintain good health. Always try to take simple nutrition meal, in limited, lighter, and chew the food nicely .. so helps your digestion better and makes less gassy.
I have been personally following the below successful tips on health Do's and Don't list over a year, and my health has improved enormously. My favorite line "Love yourself, and Be the doctor of your own body". Note: The foods listed below might be allergic to some people, so take it what suits you, or please consult your health doctor before trying.
DO's List: (Good to Health)
The Four Pillars of Good Health:
1. EXERCISE, Meditate, Yoga DAILY,
3. HAVE GOOD NIGHT SLEEP upto 8 hours atleast!
4. DRINK LOTS OF PURE WATER .. atleast 3 liters daily. (*Drink warm water slowly sip by sip, and *Do not over drink water).
*When eating raw food, be sure to soak them in a little bit of natural saltwater and then wash them in cold water. This takes away any harmful organisms on the food.
Women need 46 grams of protein, and Men need 56 grams of protein every day. Proteins are one of the most important nutrients required for healthy living. They are one of the building blocks of the body tissue that help in weight management. *Remember people who have slow digestion issues, should take the protein food in less quantity.
* Spinach, Kale, Collard greens, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Asparagus, Bok Choy, Spirulina.... all these veggies have good protein.
* Tofu, Pulses, Chick Peas, and Kidney Beans has more Protein than Meat. One cup of dry beans has about 16 grams of protein.
*Oat Meal (Gluten-Free) for breakfast & dinner, is rich in fiber, protein, and energy. To the oats, add the soaked nuts, raw honey, and fruits for more nutrition. A serving of oatmeal can have as much as 5 grams of protein.
* Quinoa or Brown Rice (Substitute for White Rice), Quinoa is high in fiber, protein, and omega-3, good for the heart and controls diabetes.
*Seeds and Nuts:
* Pumpkin seeds: A half cup of pumpkin seeds could contain as much as 14 grams of protein.
*A glass of soy unsweetened milk (no sugar) can have between 8 and 11 grams of protein.
* Chia, Hemp & Flax Seeds (Contains Omega 3 & 6, Fiber, Magnesium, and Protein).
* Peanuts: Good for underweight and bodybuilders. Peanuts are a rich source of biotin, protein, minerals, antioxidants, and vitamins that are good for health. A tablespoon of peanut butter contains about 4 grams of protein.
* Avocados has a good source of fiber and protein and has many other medicinal benefits.
* Almond and Hemp Milk are the BEST, rich in Protein, lowers bad cholesterol, reduces risk of heart disease. *You can get 6.4 grams of protein from 25 raw almonds.
* Coconuts and its oil can tremendously boost brain function and cognitive performances.
*Among the breads, buy only Gluten-free & Unbleached Wheat Bread is good for health, have it made of ground flours from a variety of materials such as almonds, Oatmeal bread, rye bread, rice (rice bread), sorghum/Jonna (sorghum bread), organic corn (cornbread), or legumes such as beans (bean bread).
*Greek Yogurt is rich in Protein, lowers High Blood Pressure. (*Have homemade Yogurt with Baked or Boiled Organic Potato for more protein. One 8-ounce container of yogurt has about 11 grams of protein.).
**Take Extra Protein: Vital for growth of tissues and builds body resistance (strength).
**Take Extra Fiber: Helps in better digestion and relaxes constipation.
*Take Soaked NUTS (Almonds, Walnuts): Contains Vitamin E, B, Magnesium, Improves Memory, Reduces Risk of Heart Disease, Strengthens Bones, Reduces Bad Cholesterol, Reduces Weight, and has many more Benefits.
Chia, Hemp, and Flax Seeds contain more:
If you're looking for something simple, add them to your favorite smoothies.
Toss into salads, soups, stews, or casseroles.
Note: *Remember Flax seeds get spoil very easily, so buy them fresh and keep them in the fridge.
*Brown Eggs (whites only) are high in protein, low cholesterol promotes healthy hair, and has many other essential minerals. Eggs have iodine which prevents cancer. Eggs promote stronger bones and teeth. *One hard-boiled egg provides roughly 6 grams of protein.
*Among the meats Cage-free Chicken, Cod & Tuna fish has the highest protein. A small 3-ounce piece of meat has about 21 grams of protein. A typical 8-ounce piece of meat could have over 50 grams of protein. Eating fish also lowers the risk of stroke.
*Drink a glass of cow's milk (grass-fed), Almond milk or Hemp milk, or Organic/GMO-free Soy Milk.. for a good source of calcium for strengthening bones. (Note: Over drinking dairy milk may lead to kidney stones, cholesterol & fat). Grass-fed cow's milk improves HDL, whereas buffalo's milk increases LDL and Cholesterol is bad to health.
*My favorite organic food stores in the USA are from Whole Foods Market, Meijer, and Fruitful Yield.
Some of the best fruits to eat daily:
Apples --> An Apple a Day Keeps the Cardiologist Away!
Blue Berries
Grapefruit, and
Goji Juice.
Note: *Ensure all fruits you buy are Organic. Wash the fruits and Peel the skin off for removal of any chemicals sprayed on them.
*DRY Fruits: Apricots, Dates (Contains Iron, Calcium, Potassium). (Note: Soak them in water for better digestion).
*PRUNE Juice has lots of Fiber, prevents constipation.
Spinach, Broccoli(Strengthens bones), Kale Leafs (high in beta carotene, vitamin K, C and rich in Calcium), Curry Leaves(High in Calcium), Cilantro, Parsley, Mint, Tomato, Green Peppers, Carrots, Lemons, Beans, Bitter melon (Lowers risk of developing Kidney stones).
*Tip: Use Himalaya Kala namak/ Pink sea salt for cooking (DO NOT use refined white iodized Salt).
*Lemons, Carrots and Grape Fruit helps in cleansing the lungs that promotes a healthy respiratory system. *Tip: Use HONEY or Maple Syrup or Palm JAGGERY in preparing sweets (but remember, DO NOT use refined white SUGAR at all).
* (Prevent and Reverse Disease With a Whole-Food PLANT-Based Diet.).
* (WebMD is a leading portal in the USA on health info, pharmacy info.. A medical site where a person can explore symptoms for just about every type of disease or condition.).
* Healthy Eating Recipes:
*Healthy Juice Recipes:
* Healthy Meal Experts:
* Eat Smart To Live Happy..
* Latest research news on medical, science...
*"Let your food be your medicine, and your medicine be your food. (World's healthiest foods..)"
* (Harvard Medical...)
My 14 day diet once in every quarter:
Its great experience in reducing extra fat & cleansing the toxins. Let me brief on my health diet in the morning, I take full solid meal.. meaning gluten-free Oats with organic fruits: berries, pomegranate, apple, banana, dates, and seeds like chia, hemp, flax, and soaked nuts: walnut and almonds. plus add 1 tsp coconut oil (optional). this way there is no chance of losing any nutrients & protein in the diet! All this tasty mixture i take in the AM for breakfast. Before this morning meal couple hour ago i take one full glass of wheatgrass juice with raw honey mixed and organic whey protein powder. Even today i regularly take in the morning wheatgrass juice, and its been more than a year now, till today no cold, no cough, no fever. no health issues. isn't it amazing ?? along with this i do very simple Yoga. In between the two meals, i drink good amount of water. Whereas in the afternoon my diet will have two glasses of carrot juice with beets and oranges or apples. this gives me again full of vitamins and minerals. so there is no chance of anemia! Let me explain more.. our body never asks for oily, junk, or bad fatty foods. it only craves for pure nutrition food where you find them in veggies, seeds, fruits, gluten-free grains, pulses, etc... Again remember never drink juices only fruits alone as the fructose goes directly into the bloodstream which will raise your sugar levels which is not good for the body. Take juices made with veggies + fruit. In the dinner, i take one full glass of green veggie juice with one or two fruits like green apples or oranges added to it. For dessert, i take homemade healthy peanut chikki made with sesame seeds and jaggery. Before going to bed drink lemon juice in the small glass without adding any sugar. By following this 14-day saltless diet, I have lost 7 pounds of weight and felt more energetic and active than before.
Four principle ways of drinking the water for Good Health:
1. DO NOT drink water during or after the meal. Give a gap of 1 to 2 hours. Otherwise, it develops obesity. During the meal to clear the throat, take milk/buttermilk or carrot juice in small sips.
2. DO NOT drink cold water at all.
3. ALWAYS drink water slowly sip by sip.
4. FIRST thing in the morning drink one big glass of water.
Recognize fruits and vegetable label numbers (PLU# Price Look-Up) in the market:
•If it is a 4-digit number, the food is conventionally produced. PLU code consists of 4 numbers (e.g. 4012).
•If it is a 5-digit number beginning with an 8, it is GM (Genetically Modified). However, do not trust that GE foods will have a PLU identifying it as such because PLU labeling is optional. PLU code consists of 5 numbers and begins with 8 (e.g. 84012).
•If it is a 5-digit number beginning with a 9, it is organic. PLU code consists of 5 numbers and begins with 9 (e.g. 94012)
References: (List of non-GMO food brands). (Cure Cancer Naturally..) (real food, real farmers, real community). (Healthy organic products...) (Bringing the science behind organic). (Dr. Perl on how the gluten grain affects our brain)
Magical Wheatgrass drink: is one of the most healthy substances, energy drink on earth. Wheatgrass has the highest beta carotene, chlorophyll and many other nutrients like protein, vitamin E, potassium, calcium, magnesium. Drinking daily (30 ml) of wheatgrass juice helps you in building blood, protects you from illness, helps in removal of acne (pimples), removal of scars, helps in healing any skin problems such as eczema or psoriasis. Wheatgrass keeps the hair from graying, helps a sore throat, eliminates toothaches, improves digestion, clears the bad breath. Wheatgrass improves blood sugar problems, helps purify the liver, helps the tissues in refining, also cleans the drugs deposits from the body. It is a powerful detoxifier, and liver and blood protector. The enzymes and amino acids found in wheatgrass can protect us from carcinogens like no other food or medicine. It strengthens our cells, detoxifies the liver and bloodstream, and chemically neutralizes environmental pollutants.
*First thing is to control your cravings. Eat Less in Calories 1500 a day.
*Weight loss is all about 80% of eating habits and 20% of working out.
*Make exercise enjoyable.
*Avoid Oily Food and Ice creams Completely.
*Stay away from GLUTEN Wheat & White flour bread to lose the Weight & Belly.
*DO NOT Consume the refined foods like sugar, milk, meat, cheese, beer, liquor, coffee, diet/sodas, processed & fried foods, refined carbs (white rice, bread, kinds of pasta, donuts, etc..)
*Most IMPORTANTly, complete your Dinner By 7 PM.
*Eat Apples daily helps in reducing obesity.
*Be passionate about your yoga workout. Yoga helps in losing both body fat as well as overall weight.* Massage therapy may be an effective way to lose weight. If you're looking for a safe and natural way to lose weight, abdominal (stomach) massage may help you reach your goal.
*Eat only when you are hungry. You might be surprised how often you eat for emotional reasons. So, try to be aware of when you are eating to cover up feelings of loneliness, sadness, or anger, and seek an activity besides eating to meet your emotional needs.
*Drink green tea 3 times a day for three months, helps in quickly losing weight, and flushing away toxins.
*Always try to take simple nutrition meal, in limited, lighter, and chew the food nicely .. so it helps your digestion and makes less gassy.
*Most importantly as per Ayurveda, for better digestion drink water only after 2 hours later having the meal, and during the meal to clear the throat, take milk/buttermilk or carrot juice in small sips.
Eating too many calories per day is linked to overweight and obesity. Many people consume more calories than they need without meeting recommended intakes for a number of nutrients.
BREAKFAST should be big <=700 Calories
(DO NOT SKIP BREAKFAST. On empty stomach, after you wake up early in the morning drink a full glass of pure water mixed with lemon juice, honey for taste. After an hour gap of having water, take good amount of vitamins and protein foods like green veggies, eggs white, fruits, berries, nuts/seeds and oats (gluten-free).. all of these gives you active energetic day.
LUNCH should be average <= 400 Calories, take vitamins, fiber, protein & yogurt food for the lunch; *To your meal add tomatoes, beets, carrots, spinach, eggs, chickpea and turmeric as a spice helps our bodies digest fats and stimulate the production of bile. It can also act as a natural form of detox for your liver.
*Choose grilled foods over fried snacks. You'll be making a healthier choice by avoiding the use of batter and excess oil.
DINNER should be tiny <= 300 Calories. (AVOID Buffets for Dinner).
**Food should be the least priority during dinner times.
*Most IMPORTANTly, Complete your Dinner By 7 PM.
*Best option for dinner is to have one full glass of green juice freshly squeezed from organic green vegetables and green apples.
Watch this inspiring video:
For Light Dinners---> Try foods which are in light contains Vitamin B (Bananas, Spinach, Brown Mushrooms), Calcium(Cereals, Oranges, grass-fed cow's or Almond Milk), Zinc(Soaked Nuts), Copper (Beans, Nuts, Dark leafy Greens), Bitter Melon... All these have the calming properties gives you GOOD NIGHT SLEEP.

*Avoid any caffeine products or nicotine before going to bed.
*(Optional) for constipation, drink milk in a small glass with ghee in the night before going to bed, this helps in constipation relaxation.
*Ayurveda suggests sitting on the floor with folded legs while having the meal, this way it helps to reduce the tummy. (Note: Never sleep right away after the dinner). For better health, some western countries are also planning to approve to sleep for 30 minutes in the office right after the lunch meal is done.
*Drinking water will boost your metabolism and keep your kidneys function effectively.
*Drink more pure warm water when wanting to lose weight. Sometimes dehydration may make you feel like hunger, and the water will help you feel full for longer, and your appetite will decrease. (Note: Never drink water with your meal, drink only after 2 hours of the gap, otherwise the acids which released in the stomach for digestion will be diluted and it takes longer time to digest the food.).
*Tip: Eating with bare hands makes you eat more, instead try eating by fork or spoon. Another good tip is to eat slower. Take smaller bites or try replacing your fork on your plate after each bite. This allows time for your stomach to feel full, and you will likely eat less calories as a result.
*After the meal, take a walk for 10 to 15 minutes for better digestion.
*Another tip.. after dinner, Turn off the TV and keep a list of some fun things to do, this way it helps for better digestion. After 2 hours later of having the meal, drink lime juice (vitamin c) helps the digestion and its good for cleaning the liver. One of the main health benefits associated with drinking lemon water is it paves method for shedding pounds quicker, therefore serving as a great weight-loss remedy. If someone requires lemon liquid when combined lukewarm water and honey, it may decrease the bodyweight too.
*Benefits of reducing weight helps the better Memory skills.
"Khaane ke baad, Kuch meeta ho jaye": Every meal need not always be followed by a dessert. A lot of us want something sweet after meals. This is absolutely unnecessary and if cut down on a daily basis, it will help us manage our weight issues better. Let the dessert sweets be a treat reserved for special festive occasions or the weekends. If still craving for sweets, wanting to satisfy your taste buds, i usually take fiber fruits either Guava or Papaya or Prunes or Dates or Jaggery after the meal. Ayurveda suggests to sugar cravers can have carrot halwa which is made with ghee + jaggery + cardamom (*remember do not mix honey with ghee is bad to health) or Have desi paan (betel leaves) for digestion but without chuna/ pickling lime on it. *Sesame seeds are very good to chew for reducing weight, have a Peanut Chikki made with jaggery + sesame seeds.
HEALTHY Hair (use the ones which suit you):
*To strengthen and darken hair, Apply the warm mix of (Coconut oil + Amla Fruit + Curry Leaves + Mandara Flower + Bhringraj/ Eclipta leaves) to the scalp, leave overnight, and then rise in the morning with lukewarm water.
*Apply Aloe Vera Paste to the scalp for hair growth. Reduces hair dandruff by mixing Aloe vera juice with coconut milk.
*Apply Onion paste to the bald head regularly, it promotes hair growth on the bald area. You can also add 1 to 2 tsp of honey to the onion paste. To take away the odor, you can use rose water with onions. Keep it on the scalp for 1 hour, and wash off.
*Yogurt: Apply slightly aged Homemade Yogurt to the hair scalp for an hour and wash off with shikakai shampoo.
*Amla (India gooseberry): Amla is rich in iron and has antioxidants which reduce hair loss by not allowing free radicals to damage hair follicles. Amla also enhances hair growth and prevents premature graying. Eating fresh amla or applying its paste to the roots of your hair improves both growth and color.
*Use Nioxin Shampoo Cleanser) and Conditioner(Scalp Therapy), helps to grow hair healthy and gradually stops the hair fall. Or use organic herbal products amla + shikakai + lemon shampoo. Or use any of organic baby shampoo.
*Stress causes hair fall, Find ways to relax from stress.. listen to music, meditation helps.
*Sirsasana or yoga headstand increases the blood supply to capillaries increasing oxygen and nutrient uptake to hair follicles stimulating hair growth, in a similar effect to having increased blood circulation. This can prevent non-genetic hair loss. (Not advisable to old age, and people having neck problems).
*Surya Namaskar reduces stress-related hair loss. It also keeps wrinkles off the face.
*Drink lots of pure water, Exercise Daily, Brisk walk 30 min daily, and Trim your hair regularly.
*Use the overnight stored water in a copper vessel to wash the scalp and hair.
* Add 1/4 cup of water to 1/4 cup of apple cider vinegar, apply it onto your scalp. Wrap around a towel and let it sit about 20 minutes. Wash off and repeat twice a week for best results.
Apple Cider Vinegar has properties that balance your scalp and hair pH level. Its anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties help to combat scalp infections, dryness, itchiness, and dandruff. Shampooing apple cider vinegar rinse can do wonders to your hair, retaining the pH level of your scalp and leaving you with soft, shiny and smooth hair. It tames rough hair cuticles and fights split ends.* Coconut and cream mask: The creamy mask is best suited for dry and frizzy hair. Its moisturizing elements make hair soft and shiny. Mix coconut and olive oils and apply it gently from root to tip of your hair. After that, keep your hair covered with a shower cap. Leave it for more than an hour. Then, rinse it off with a mild herbal shampoo and use conditioner.
* Banana cream mask: Banana is a natural ingredient which makes hair strong by preventing damaged roots. Blend one overripe banana in a grinder. Then add one tablespoon of honey to it. Apply it on your hair, especially the roots. Leave it for 15 to 20 minutes and then rinse it off with lukewarm water.
* Oatmeal hair mask: It is best suited for those who suffer from oily scalp, dandruff, scalp irritation, and inflammation. It nourishes oily scalp by eliminating excessive oil. It results in hair growth by treating dandruff and protecting hair follicles. Mix oatmeal, fresh milk, and almond oil and make a paste. Ensure that your hair is free from tangles before applying the pack. Put it gently on your hair. Leave it for 15 to 20 minutes and then rinse it off with lukewarm water.
* Hibiscus hair mask: It is the solution for weak roots as hibiscus is known to strengthen weak roots. Soak hibiscus petals overnight in a cup of water. Then blend it with olive oil and raw milk. Apply this pack on hair. Keep the hair mask for 20 to 25 minutes and then rinse it with water.
SLEEP In Relaxed Position:
*Sleep at least 8 hours a day.
*Read an inspiring book before going to bed, it carries good thoughts to avoid bad dreams.
*Sleep on the left side of body.. like a child sleeps slightly cross in a relaxed position.
*Keep Head on the East or South (this relaxes mind, stretches the body in the south due to the law of attraction forces).
*Do not sleep keeping head on North, this disturbs the mind due to law of repulsion forces.
*Keep your face and skin always moisture. Apply Aveeno moisture cream, Olay anti-aging cream, or any other good moisturizing organic products. Cetaphil cream is only for skin. Apply Aloe Vera gel to face & neck for anti-aging.
*My favorite organic soaps for face and body wash are Aveeno Moisturising, Dr. Bronner, Toms, KissMyFace, Yardley, Mysore Sandal and Chandrika. After the shower, moisture the body slightly with Almond or Coconut oil.. feels great! or Apply the oil overall the body an hour before taking the shower.
*STOP taking sugary foods, sweets, cakes, ice creams, and beverages. Too much Sugar can cause aging and skin wrinkles all over the body.
*Drink lots of pure warm water sip by sip slowly, so our saliva mixes well.
* Exercise daily.
*Eat Dates daily in the morning, it purifies the blood, circulates in our body which in turn makes our skin glow and shine.
*Jack Fruit & Goji fruit keeps you young, helps in Anti-Aging.
*Drink carrot juice for skin glow.
*Yoga daily releases the stress, helps the skin to glow:
PRAANAYANAM (breathing) YOGA has many Health Benefits: (Baba Ramdev) (Shilpa Shetty)
MEDITATION HELPS TO FOCUS, REDUCES STRESS, and has many more health benefits. ---> Free Yoga Classes at Ramakrishna matt, Indira Park, Hyderabad City. Click to see 100 benefits of meditation
Control Cholesterol:
High Levels of Cholesterol can put your heart at risk. If you don't know your cholesterol numbers, now is the time to find out. High levels of LDL ('Bad') cholesterol increase your risk of heart disease. High levels of HDL ('good') cholesterol protect against heart diseases. Cholesterol levels can be improved with exercise and a healthy diet low in saturated fats and alcohol. Consume whole grains every day to keep your cholesterol low and protect your heart. The best whole grains to eat are steel cut oats or brown rice. Oatmeal and other high fiber foods help to fight high cholesterol by reducing bad 'LDL' cholesterol. Take Okra (lady's finger) is rich in fiber that can reduce cholesterol and blood sugar. Cinnamon is believed to lower blood sugar and cholesterol. Simmer a stick of cinnamon in water or milk for about 10 minutes, and drink.
Vitamin B:
*List of foods having angiogenesis substances which prevent and fights cancer: Eat vitamin E foods (Sunflower seeds, Almonds, Spinach, Kale, Avocado, Peanuts), Pumpkin Seeds, Turmeric, Tomato's, Parsley, Apples, Berries, Red Grapes, Lemons, and Drink Green Tea Daily.
FAST (Skipping breakfast and midday meals are NOT GOOD):
As per researchers, keeping FAST can throw off your body's normal night sleep pattern. Large Late dinners exacerbate the problem: "A big meal increases the blood flow to your digestive tract, causing your stomach to secrete more GASTRIC acid and making your pancreas and intestinal muscles work harder", and this stimulates your system instead of calming it.
*Breakfast is the most important meal of the day as your body receives nourishment after a long break of 7-8 hours of rest. Eating a good breakfast leads to an active day as you get the required energy to increase your productivity.
*Some times its good to be on fast skipping lunches and dinner for only non-physically hard-working people but never skip the Breakfast.
JULAB DAY (Clean the BOWELs thoroughly every day):
If you do not have bowel movements for a long enough period you will get seriously constipated. Then you won't be able to move your bowels and you will be in extreme pain. If the pain is not enough to motivate you to clean out your bowels, then eventually all of the toxins that your body was trying to get rid of in those bowel movements will return to your bloodstream via your intestines and you will get very ill. Given enough time and stubbornness, it would be a miserable death. That would take quite a while. If you don't like bowel movements your best bet is to eat high fiber foods like PRUNEs, Pears, Apples etc. and make the experience happen as fast as you can.
Colonics: Your body will release a lot of toxins from your blood, organs, and cells into your colon pipes, and if you are like the average person you may have many pounds of toxic fecal waste, mucoid plaque, worms and parasites infesting your body. You must cleanse your colon to restore health. A large number of worms and parasites could be living inside your body and hardly anyone is immune to this. These creatures can literally eat you from the inside out. The heavy layer of mucoid plaque that is on the colon walls of every person is a breeding ground for these critters. You cannot restore health with a dirty colon. Heavy Metals attach to fungus, mold, virus, candida, and other types of yeast and bacteria making it more difficult to eliminate these toxins. The most important thing to do in a daily list should be washing away all the toxins wastages from the body, this should be the top priority of everyone's list!
The Acidity and Gastric mainly are caused due to a motion problem. That is if any person does not pass stool completely then acidity problem or gastric problem occurs. Actually many other problems like joint pains and skin infections or allergies are also caused if we do not pass stool completely and regularly. Always try to eat simple nutrition meal, in limited, lighter, and chew the food nicely .. so it helps your digestion better, makes less gassy.
The solution to less gassy: *Early morning Drink more water, fill the stomach with water as much as you can and walk for a few minutes and pass the stool twice and do the same in the evening.
* Eat more fiber contained food to pass the stool freely. eg: Leafy vegetables, fruits, chia seeds and natural vegetarian food. So that this problem will be solved easily and completely.
Beware of habits: The habits that causes you to swallow excess of air such as chewing a gum, drinking juices through straw, smoking.. all these causes tummy to fill with air to bloat.
Healthy Indian Dishes (eat freshly cooked food, ensure every meal is 100% Organic):
DONT'S List (Foods that are Bad and Dangerous to Health):
... Over-consumption of unhealthy foods, over the period of time gets accumulated year by year, and leads to cancer, sickness, weakness and other organ diseases.
Yogurt with Orange/ Lemon.
Milk with Yogurt.
Onions with Milk is very bad for health.
Milk and Jack fruit are very bad for health.
Fish with Yogurt or Milk is not at all good. This combination forms toxins in the body and
destroy the body's immunity.
Avoid having Hot tea with Cold like Ice cream is harmful to health.
Do not eat mix Honey with Ghee.
Do not eat Dahi Wada .. (Urad Daal - Lentil) mixed with Yogurt doesn't go well,
It increases High Blood Pressure, continue of eating will lead to a heart attack.
Do not mix fruits with your meals: Break your fast with fruits or consume them after you
are done with your meals after 2 hours. Fruits when combined with minerals, fats and
proteins present in other foods can hinder digestion.
Do not combine cheese with nuts and seafood with other meat: Your body is programmed to digest one concentrated form of protein at a time. Consuming more than
one can create complications in your digestive system.
"Don't eat fish or shrimp with chicken together" upsets your digestive system.
Avoid combining citrus foods with milk-based foods: Acidic acid curdles milk which can upset your stomach. Proteins and starch together is also not a great idea. If you are planning to gorge on a feast full of lean meat, try balancing it out with some fresh veggies.
Burger with Fries: The overcooked fat and preservatives found in burgers combine with the sugar in the starchy potato fries creating cytokines. Cytokines kill cells, speed up aging and cause long-term metabolic syndrome. Choose a less fatty burger with pickle or a salad as aside.
Melons and Milk: Melons digest quickly while milk takes a while, therefore, this combination can lead to indigestion. Also, melons have high water and sugar content so
it's better to have it on an empty stomach and alone.
Tomatoes with Copper is very reactive-- and one that leeches metal into acidic foods. It isn't a good idea to cook or store acidic foods such as tomatoes in copper pans or containers because the metal that seeps into the food can be toxic. This can cause nausea, vomiting and
diarrhea if consumed in sufficient quantity.
Most of our health problems will be reduced and resolved if we understand the good and bad facts of FOOD, what to eat and what not to eat or drink. To boost up our healthy life, Exercise and Yoga is a must. Most importantly ensure our KITCHEN is clean and has all safe vessels to cook organic ingredients fiber food. In reality "we are what we eat", so eat good nutrition fiber food and try to understand more about your body. Ayurveda and Doctors claim that digestion is a cornerstone of health. They say that you must cleanse your colon pipes at least once a day to maintain good health. Always try to take simple nutrition meal, in limited, lighter, and chew the food nicely .. so helps your digestion better and makes less gassy.
I have been personally following the below successful tips on health Do's and Don't list over a year, and my health has improved enormously. My favorite line "Love yourself, and Be the doctor of your own body". Note: The foods listed below might be allergic to some people, so take it what suits you, or please consult your health doctor before trying.
DO's List: (Good to Health)
The Four Pillars of Good Health:
1. EXERCISE, Meditate, Yoga DAILY,
3. HAVE GOOD NIGHT SLEEP upto 8 hours atleast!
4. DRINK LOTS OF PURE WATER .. atleast 3 liters daily. (*Drink warm water slowly sip by sip, and *Do not over drink water).
*When eating raw food, be sure to soak them in a little bit of natural saltwater and then wash them in cold water. This takes away any harmful organisms on the food.
Women need 46 grams of protein, and Men need 56 grams of protein every day. Proteins are one of the most important nutrients required for healthy living. They are one of the building blocks of the body tissue that help in weight management. *Remember people who have slow digestion issues, should take the protein food in less quantity.
* Spinach, Kale, Collard greens, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Asparagus, Bok Choy, Spirulina.... all these veggies have good protein.
* Tofu, Pulses, Chick Peas, and Kidney Beans has more Protein than Meat. One cup of dry beans has about 16 grams of protein.
*Oat Meal (Gluten-Free) for breakfast & dinner, is rich in fiber, protein, and energy. To the oats, add the soaked nuts, raw honey, and fruits for more nutrition. A serving of oatmeal can have as much as 5 grams of protein.
* Quinoa or Brown Rice (Substitute for White Rice), Quinoa is high in fiber, protein, and omega-3, good for the heart and controls diabetes.
*Seeds and Nuts:
* Pumpkin seeds: A half cup of pumpkin seeds could contain as much as 14 grams of protein.
*A glass of soy unsweetened milk (no sugar) can have between 8 and 11 grams of protein.
* Chia, Hemp & Flax Seeds (Contains Omega 3 & 6, Fiber, Magnesium, and Protein).
* Peanuts: Good for underweight and bodybuilders. Peanuts are a rich source of biotin, protein, minerals, antioxidants, and vitamins that are good for health. A tablespoon of peanut butter contains about 4 grams of protein.
* Avocados has a good source of fiber and protein and has many other medicinal benefits.
* Almond and Hemp Milk are the BEST, rich in Protein, lowers bad cholesterol, reduces risk of heart disease. *You can get 6.4 grams of protein from 25 raw almonds.
* Coconuts and its oil can tremendously boost brain function and cognitive performances.
*Among the breads, buy only Gluten-free & Unbleached Wheat Bread is good for health, have it made of ground flours from a variety of materials such as almonds, Oatmeal bread, rye bread, rice (rice bread), sorghum/Jonna (sorghum bread), organic corn (cornbread), or legumes such as beans (bean bread).
*Greek Yogurt is rich in Protein, lowers High Blood Pressure. (*Have homemade Yogurt with Baked or Boiled Organic Potato for more protein. One 8-ounce container of yogurt has about 11 grams of protein.).
**Take Extra Protein: Vital for growth of tissues and builds body resistance (strength).
**Take Extra Fiber: Helps in better digestion and relaxes constipation.
*Take Soaked NUTS (Almonds, Walnuts): Contains Vitamin E, B, Magnesium, Improves Memory, Reduces Risk of Heart Disease, Strengthens Bones, Reduces Bad Cholesterol, Reduces Weight, and has many more Benefits.

- omega-3 fatty acids than salmon.
- antioxidants than blueberries.
- calcium than milk for stronger bones.
- magnesium than broccoli.
- iron than raw spinach.
- potassium than bananas.
- Its protein source is much more digestible than others, and won't leave you feeling bloated.
- Contains anti-aging antioxidants such as vitamin E.
- They're also rich in other minerals such as zinc and phosphorus.
- Its an excellent source of anti-inflammatory hormones.
If you're looking for something simple, add them to your favorite smoothies.
Toss into salads, soups, stews, or casseroles.
Note: *Remember Flax seeds get spoil very easily, so buy them fresh and keep them in the fridge.
*Brown Eggs (whites only) are high in protein, low cholesterol promotes healthy hair, and has many other essential minerals. Eggs have iodine which prevents cancer. Eggs promote stronger bones and teeth. *One hard-boiled egg provides roughly 6 grams of protein.
*Among the meats Cage-free Chicken, Cod & Tuna fish has the highest protein. A small 3-ounce piece of meat has about 21 grams of protein. A typical 8-ounce piece of meat could have over 50 grams of protein. Eating fish also lowers the risk of stroke.
*Drink a glass of cow's milk (grass-fed), Almond milk or Hemp milk, or Organic/GMO-free Soy Milk.. for a good source of calcium for strengthening bones. (Note: Over drinking dairy milk may lead to kidney stones, cholesterol & fat). Grass-fed cow's milk improves HDL, whereas buffalo's milk increases LDL and Cholesterol is bad to health.
*My favorite organic food stores in the USA are from Whole Foods Market, Meijer, and Fruitful Yield.
Some of the best fruits to eat daily:

Blue Berries
Grapefruit, and
Goji Juice.
Note: *Ensure all fruits you buy are Organic. Wash the fruits and Peel the skin off for removal of any chemicals sprayed on them.
*DRY Fruits: Apricots, Dates (Contains Iron, Calcium, Potassium). (Note: Soak them in water for better digestion).
*PRUNE Juice has lots of Fiber, prevents constipation.
Spinach, Broccoli(Strengthens bones), Kale Leafs (high in beta carotene, vitamin K, C and rich in Calcium), Curry Leaves(High in Calcium), Cilantro, Parsley, Mint, Tomato, Green Peppers, Carrots, Lemons, Beans, Bitter melon (Lowers risk of developing Kidney stones).
*Tip: Use Himalaya Kala namak/ Pink sea salt for cooking (DO NOT use refined white iodized Salt).
*Lemons, Carrots and Grape Fruit helps in cleansing the lungs that promotes a healthy respiratory system. *Tip: Use HONEY or Maple Syrup or Palm JAGGERY in preparing sweets (but remember, DO NOT use refined white SUGAR at all).
* (Prevent and Reverse Disease With a Whole-Food PLANT-Based Diet.).
* (WebMD is a leading portal in the USA on health info, pharmacy info.. A medical site where a person can explore symptoms for just about every type of disease or condition.).
* Healthy Eating Recipes:
*Healthy Juice Recipes:
* Healthy Meal Experts:
* Eat Smart To Live Happy..
* Latest research news on medical, science...
*"Let your food be your medicine, and your medicine be your food. (World's healthiest foods..)"
* (Harvard Medical...)
My 14 day diet once in every quarter:
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Green, Red and Orange Juices |
Four principle ways of drinking the water for Good Health:
1. DO NOT drink water during or after the meal. Give a gap of 1 to 2 hours. Otherwise, it develops obesity. During the meal to clear the throat, take milk/buttermilk or carrot juice in small sips.
2. DO NOT drink cold water at all.
3. ALWAYS drink water slowly sip by sip.
4. FIRST thing in the morning drink one big glass of water.
Recognize fruits and vegetable label numbers (PLU# Price Look-Up) in the market:

•If it is a 5-digit number beginning with an 8, it is GM (Genetically Modified). However, do not trust that GE foods will have a PLU identifying it as such because PLU labeling is optional. PLU code consists of 5 numbers and begins with 8 (e.g. 84012).
•If it is a 5-digit number beginning with a 9, it is organic. PLU code consists of 5 numbers and begins with 9 (e.g. 94012)
References: (List of non-GMO food brands). (Cure Cancer Naturally..) (real food, real farmers, real community). (Healthy organic products...) (Bringing the science behind organic). (Dr. Perl on how the gluten grain affects our brain)
Magical Wheatgrass drink: is one of the most healthy substances, energy drink on earth. Wheatgrass has the highest beta carotene, chlorophyll and many other nutrients like protein, vitamin E, potassium, calcium, magnesium. Drinking daily (30 ml) of wheatgrass juice helps you in building blood, protects you from illness, helps in removal of acne (pimples), removal of scars, helps in healing any skin problems such as eczema or psoriasis. Wheatgrass keeps the hair from graying, helps a sore throat, eliminates toothaches, improves digestion, clears the bad breath. Wheatgrass improves blood sugar problems, helps purify the liver, helps the tissues in refining, also cleans the drugs deposits from the body. It is a powerful detoxifier, and liver and blood protector. The enzymes and amino acids found in wheatgrass can protect us from carcinogens like no other food or medicine. It strengthens our cells, detoxifies the liver and bloodstream, and chemically neutralizes environmental pollutants.
(*You can find the Wheatgrass powder on sale at Fruitful Yield & Wholefoods store. I take this every morning on empty stomach 1tsp of Wheatgrass with a glass of water & raw honey.).
*First thing is to control your cravings. Eat Less in Calories 1500 a day.
*Weight loss is all about 80% of eating habits and 20% of working out.
*Make exercise enjoyable.
*Avoid Oily Food and Ice creams Completely.
*Stay away from GLUTEN Wheat & White flour bread to lose the Weight & Belly.
*DO NOT Consume the refined foods like sugar, milk, meat, cheese, beer, liquor, coffee, diet/sodas, processed & fried foods, refined carbs (white rice, bread, kinds of pasta, donuts, etc..)
*Most IMPORTANTly, complete your Dinner By 7 PM.
*Eat Apples daily helps in reducing obesity.
*Be passionate about your yoga workout. Yoga helps in losing both body fat as well as overall weight.* Massage therapy may be an effective way to lose weight. If you're looking for a safe and natural way to lose weight, abdominal (stomach) massage may help you reach your goal.
*Eat only when you are hungry. You might be surprised how often you eat for emotional reasons. So, try to be aware of when you are eating to cover up feelings of loneliness, sadness, or anger, and seek an activity besides eating to meet your emotional needs.
*Drink green tea 3 times a day for three months, helps in quickly losing weight, and flushing away toxins.
*Always try to take simple nutrition meal, in limited, lighter, and chew the food nicely .. so it helps your digestion and makes less gassy.
*Most importantly as per Ayurveda, for better digestion drink water only after 2 hours later having the meal, and during the meal to clear the throat, take milk/buttermilk or carrot juice in small sips.
Eating too many calories per day is linked to overweight and obesity. Many people consume more calories than they need without meeting recommended intakes for a number of nutrients.
BREAKFAST should be big <=700 Calories
(DO NOT SKIP BREAKFAST. On empty stomach, after you wake up early in the morning drink a full glass of pure water mixed with lemon juice, honey for taste. After an hour gap of having water, take good amount of vitamins and protein foods like green veggies, eggs white, fruits, berries, nuts/seeds and oats (gluten-free).. all of these gives you active energetic day.
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The choice is yours!! |
LUNCH should be average <= 400 Calories, take vitamins, fiber, protein & yogurt food for the lunch; *To your meal add tomatoes, beets, carrots, spinach, eggs, chickpea and turmeric as a spice helps our bodies digest fats and stimulate the production of bile. It can also act as a natural form of detox for your liver.
*Choose grilled foods over fried snacks. You'll be making a healthier choice by avoiding the use of batter and excess oil.
DINNER should be tiny <= 300 Calories. (AVOID Buffets for Dinner).
**Food should be the least priority during dinner times.
*Most IMPORTANTly, Complete your Dinner By 7 PM.
*Best option for dinner is to have one full glass of green juice freshly squeezed from organic green vegetables and green apples.
Watch this inspiring video:
For Light Dinners---> Try foods which are in light contains Vitamin B (Bananas, Spinach, Brown Mushrooms), Calcium(Cereals, Oranges, grass-fed cow's or Almond Milk), Zinc(Soaked Nuts), Copper (Beans, Nuts, Dark leafy Greens), Bitter Melon... All these have the calming properties gives you GOOD NIGHT SLEEP.

*Avoid any caffeine products or nicotine before going to bed.
*(Optional) for constipation, drink milk in a small glass with ghee in the night before going to bed, this helps in constipation relaxation.
*Ayurveda suggests sitting on the floor with folded legs while having the meal, this way it helps to reduce the tummy. (Note: Never sleep right away after the dinner). For better health, some western countries are also planning to approve to sleep for 30 minutes in the office right after the lunch meal is done.
*Drinking water will boost your metabolism and keep your kidneys function effectively.
*Drink more pure warm water when wanting to lose weight. Sometimes dehydration may make you feel like hunger, and the water will help you feel full for longer, and your appetite will decrease. (Note: Never drink water with your meal, drink only after 2 hours of the gap, otherwise the acids which released in the stomach for digestion will be diluted and it takes longer time to digest the food.).
*Tip: Eating with bare hands makes you eat more, instead try eating by fork or spoon. Another good tip is to eat slower. Take smaller bites or try replacing your fork on your plate after each bite. This allows time for your stomach to feel full, and you will likely eat less calories as a result.
*After the meal, take a walk for 10 to 15 minutes for better digestion.
*Another tip.. after dinner, Turn off the TV and keep a list of some fun things to do, this way it helps for better digestion. After 2 hours later of having the meal, drink lime juice (vitamin c) helps the digestion and its good for cleaning the liver. One of the main health benefits associated with drinking lemon water is it paves method for shedding pounds quicker, therefore serving as a great weight-loss remedy. If someone requires lemon liquid when combined lukewarm water and honey, it may decrease the bodyweight too.
*Benefits of reducing weight helps the better Memory skills.
"Khaane ke baad, Kuch meeta ho jaye": Every meal need not always be followed by a dessert. A lot of us want something sweet after meals. This is absolutely unnecessary and if cut down on a daily basis, it will help us manage our weight issues better. Let the dessert sweets be a treat reserved for special festive occasions or the weekends. If still craving for sweets, wanting to satisfy your taste buds, i usually take fiber fruits either Guava or Papaya or Prunes or Dates or Jaggery after the meal. Ayurveda suggests to sugar cravers can have carrot halwa which is made with ghee + jaggery + cardamom (*remember do not mix honey with ghee is bad to health) or Have desi paan (betel leaves) for digestion but without chuna/ pickling lime on it. *Sesame seeds are very good to chew for reducing weight, have a Peanut Chikki made with jaggery + sesame seeds.
HEALTHY Hair (use the ones which suit you):
*To strengthen and darken hair, Apply the warm mix of (Coconut oil + Amla Fruit + Curry Leaves + Mandara Flower + Bhringraj/ Eclipta leaves) to the scalp, leave overnight, and then rise in the morning with lukewarm water.
*Apply Aloe Vera Paste to the scalp for hair growth. Reduces hair dandruff by mixing Aloe vera juice with coconut milk.
*Apply Onion paste to the bald head regularly, it promotes hair growth on the bald area. You can also add 1 to 2 tsp of honey to the onion paste. To take away the odor, you can use rose water with onions. Keep it on the scalp for 1 hour, and wash off.
*Yogurt: Apply slightly aged Homemade Yogurt to the hair scalp for an hour and wash off with shikakai shampoo.
*Amla (India gooseberry): Amla is rich in iron and has antioxidants which reduce hair loss by not allowing free radicals to damage hair follicles. Amla also enhances hair growth and prevents premature graying. Eating fresh amla or applying its paste to the roots of your hair improves both growth and color.
*Use Nioxin Shampoo Cleanser) and Conditioner(Scalp Therapy), helps to grow hair healthy and gradually stops the hair fall. Or use organic herbal products amla + shikakai + lemon shampoo. Or use any of organic baby shampoo.
*Stress causes hair fall, Find ways to relax from stress.. listen to music, meditation helps.
*Sirsasana or yoga headstand increases the blood supply to capillaries increasing oxygen and nutrient uptake to hair follicles stimulating hair growth, in a similar effect to having increased blood circulation. This can prevent non-genetic hair loss. (Not advisable to old age, and people having neck problems).
*Surya Namaskar reduces stress-related hair loss. It also keeps wrinkles off the face.
*Drink lots of pure water, Exercise Daily, Brisk walk 30 min daily, and Trim your hair regularly.
*Use the overnight stored water in a copper vessel to wash the scalp and hair.
* Add 1/4 cup of water to 1/4 cup of apple cider vinegar, apply it onto your scalp. Wrap around a towel and let it sit about 20 minutes. Wash off and repeat twice a week for best results.
Apple Cider Vinegar has properties that balance your scalp and hair pH level. Its anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties help to combat scalp infections, dryness, itchiness, and dandruff. Shampooing apple cider vinegar rinse can do wonders to your hair, retaining the pH level of your scalp and leaving you with soft, shiny and smooth hair. It tames rough hair cuticles and fights split ends.* Coconut and cream mask: The creamy mask is best suited for dry and frizzy hair. Its moisturizing elements make hair soft and shiny. Mix coconut and olive oils and apply it gently from root to tip of your hair. After that, keep your hair covered with a shower cap. Leave it for more than an hour. Then, rinse it off with a mild herbal shampoo and use conditioner.
* Banana cream mask: Banana is a natural ingredient which makes hair strong by preventing damaged roots. Blend one overripe banana in a grinder. Then add one tablespoon of honey to it. Apply it on your hair, especially the roots. Leave it for 15 to 20 minutes and then rinse it off with lukewarm water.
* Oatmeal hair mask: It is best suited for those who suffer from oily scalp, dandruff, scalp irritation, and inflammation. It nourishes oily scalp by eliminating excessive oil. It results in hair growth by treating dandruff and protecting hair follicles. Mix oatmeal, fresh milk, and almond oil and make a paste. Ensure that your hair is free from tangles before applying the pack. Put it gently on your hair. Leave it for 15 to 20 minutes and then rinse it off with lukewarm water.
* Hibiscus hair mask: It is the solution for weak roots as hibiscus is known to strengthen weak roots. Soak hibiscus petals overnight in a cup of water. Then blend it with olive oil and raw milk. Apply this pack on hair. Keep the hair mask for 20 to 25 minutes and then rinse it with water.
Foods to Eat for Healthy Hair: Dairy Milk(Grass-fed), Tofu, Egg whites, Nuts (Almonds, Walnuts, Sunflower & Flaxseeds), Oatmeal (gluten-free), Spinach, Kale, Collard greens, Carrots, Amla, Sweet Potatoes, Beans, Broccoli, Lentils, Red Bell Pepper, Oranges, Grapefruit, Wheatgrass juice, Greek-Yogurt, Blue Berries and Bananas.
*FRUITS SHOULD BE EATEN ON EMPTY STOMACH. It will play a major role to detoxify your system, supplying a great deal of energy for weight loss and other life activities. Note: whereas the Diabetic patients should take fruits in between the meals, not on empty stomach.
*Gray hair, balding, nervous outburst, and dark circles under eyes will NOT happen by taking fruit on an empty stomach.
*Ayurveda recommends using copper vessels for storing the drinking water for better health:
*FRUITS SHOULD BE EATEN ON EMPTY STOMACH. It will play a major role to detoxify your system, supplying a great deal of energy for weight loss and other life activities. Note: whereas the Diabetic patients should take fruits in between the meals, not on empty stomach.
*Gray hair, balding, nervous outburst, and dark circles under eyes will NOT happen by taking fruit on an empty stomach.
*Ayurveda recommends using copper vessels for storing the drinking water for better health:
SLEEP In Relaxed Position:
*Sleep at least 8 hours a day.
*Read an inspiring book before going to bed, it carries good thoughts to avoid bad dreams.
*Sleep on the left side of body.. like a child sleeps slightly cross in a relaxed position.
*Keep Head on the East or South (this relaxes mind, stretches the body in the south due to the law of attraction forces).
*Do not sleep keeping head on North, this disturbs the mind due to law of repulsion forces.
*Keep your face and skin always moisture. Apply Aveeno moisture cream, Olay anti-aging cream, or any other good moisturizing organic products. Cetaphil cream is only for skin. Apply Aloe Vera gel to face & neck for anti-aging.
*My favorite organic soaps for face and body wash are Aveeno Moisturising, Dr. Bronner, Toms, KissMyFace, Yardley, Mysore Sandal and Chandrika. After the shower, moisture the body slightly with Almond or Coconut oil.. feels great! or Apply the oil overall the body an hour before taking the shower.
*STOP taking sugary foods, sweets, cakes, ice creams, and beverages. Too much Sugar can cause aging and skin wrinkles all over the body.
*Drink lots of pure warm water sip by sip slowly, so our saliva mixes well.
* Exercise daily.
*Eat Dates daily in the morning, it purifies the blood, circulates in our body which in turn makes our skin glow and shine.
*Jack Fruit & Goji fruit keeps you young, helps in Anti-Aging.
*Drink carrot juice for skin glow.
*Yoga daily releases the stress, helps the skin to glow:
PRAANAYANAM (breathing) YOGA has many Health Benefits: (Baba Ramdev) (Shilpa Shetty) ---> Free Yoga Classes at Ramakrishna matt, Indira Park, Hyderabad City. Click to see 100 benefits of meditation
Control Cholesterol:
High Levels of Cholesterol can put your heart at risk. If you don't know your cholesterol numbers, now is the time to find out. High levels of LDL ('Bad') cholesterol increase your risk of heart disease. High levels of HDL ('good') cholesterol protect against heart diseases. Cholesterol levels can be improved with exercise and a healthy diet low in saturated fats and alcohol. Consume whole grains every day to keep your cholesterol low and protect your heart. The best whole grains to eat are steel cut oats or brown rice. Oatmeal and other high fiber foods help to fight high cholesterol by reducing bad 'LDL' cholesterol. Take Okra (lady's finger) is rich in fiber that can reduce cholesterol and blood sugar. Cinnamon is believed to lower blood sugar and cholesterol. Simmer a stick of cinnamon in water or milk for about 10 minutes, and drink.
Vitamin B:
Want to be a smarter, Take Vitamin B. Vitamin B Complex plays a major role in keeping your nervous system healthy. Have foods which are rich in it or take vitamin supplements if needed. Vitamin B veggies are like Red Cabbage, Avocados, Brussels sprouts, Spinach and Brown Mushrooms. It is excellent nutrition for memory to drink the mix of grass-fed Yogurt + Basil/Tulasi leaves + Jaggery in the AM or PM.
Zinc: When the foods in our diet do not provide us with enough zinc, insulin response decreases, and our blood sugar becomes more difficult to stabilize. Metabolic rate - the rate at which we create and use up energy - also depends on zinc for its regulation. Zinc can be found in garbanzo beans (chickpea), cashews, spinach, asparagus, broccoli, sesame seeds, watermelon seeds, pumpkin seeds, oats, green peas rajma, quinoa, lentils, peanuts, yogurt, etc. Zinc helps your immune system function better, also brings significant change in skin health.
Vitamin C:
Consume vitamin C to avoid Diabetes. Vitamin C is found in Chia/ Flax seeds, Tofu, Tomatoes, Broccoli, Spinach, Yogurt, Guava, Grapefruit, and Oranges.
Vitamin D:
The hormonal functions of vitamin D include regulation of bone and muscle health (including both skeletal and heart muscle), regulation of immune response, regulation of insulin and blood sugar, and regulation of calcium and phosphorus metabolism.
Sources of Vitamin D: Hemp milk has highest vitamin D, Cow's milk (grass-fed), Sunlight is very useful to get vitamin D naturally before 11am and after 4pm, (but over being under sun between 11am to 4pm will affect the skin), Soya and Almond Milk, Brown Eggs, Brown Mushrooms, Salmon.
Zinc: When the foods in our diet do not provide us with enough zinc, insulin response decreases, and our blood sugar becomes more difficult to stabilize. Metabolic rate - the rate at which we create and use up energy - also depends on zinc for its regulation. Zinc can be found in garbanzo beans (chickpea), cashews, spinach, asparagus, broccoli, sesame seeds, watermelon seeds, pumpkin seeds, oats, green peas rajma, quinoa, lentils, peanuts, yogurt, etc. Zinc helps your immune system function better, also brings significant change in skin health.
Vitamin C:
Consume vitamin C to avoid Diabetes. Vitamin C is found in Chia/ Flax seeds, Tofu, Tomatoes, Broccoli, Spinach, Yogurt, Guava, Grapefruit, and Oranges.
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Grass-fed Cow's Milk, Butter, Ghee=Healthy Bones! *Remember too much ghee leads to Obese! |
The hormonal functions of vitamin D include regulation of bone and muscle health (including both skeletal and heart muscle), regulation of immune response, regulation of insulin and blood sugar, and regulation of calcium and phosphorus metabolism.
Sources of Vitamin D: Hemp milk has highest vitamin D, Cow's milk (grass-fed), Sunlight is very useful to get vitamin D naturally before 11am and after 4pm, (but over being under sun between 11am to 4pm will affect the skin), Soya and Almond Milk, Brown Eggs, Brown Mushrooms, Salmon.
*List of foods having angiogenesis substances which prevent and fights cancer: Eat vitamin E foods (Sunflower seeds, Almonds, Spinach, Kale, Avocado, Peanuts), Pumpkin Seeds, Turmeric, Tomato's, Parsley, Apples, Berries, Red Grapes, Lemons, and Drink Green Tea Daily.
FAST (Skipping breakfast and midday meals are NOT GOOD):
As per researchers, keeping FAST can throw off your body's normal night sleep pattern. Large Late dinners exacerbate the problem: "A big meal increases the blood flow to your digestive tract, causing your stomach to secrete more GASTRIC acid and making your pancreas and intestinal muscles work harder", and this stimulates your system instead of calming it.
*Breakfast is the most important meal of the day as your body receives nourishment after a long break of 7-8 hours of rest. Eating a good breakfast leads to an active day as you get the required energy to increase your productivity.
*Some times its good to be on fast skipping lunches and dinner for only non-physically hard-working people but never skip the Breakfast.
JULAB DAY (Clean the BOWELs thoroughly every day):
If you do not have bowel movements for a long enough period you will get seriously constipated. Then you won't be able to move your bowels and you will be in extreme pain. If the pain is not enough to motivate you to clean out your bowels, then eventually all of the toxins that your body was trying to get rid of in those bowel movements will return to your bloodstream via your intestines and you will get very ill. Given enough time and stubbornness, it would be a miserable death. That would take quite a while. If you don't like bowel movements your best bet is to eat high fiber foods like PRUNEs, Pears, Apples etc. and make the experience happen as fast as you can.
Colonics: Your body will release a lot of toxins from your blood, organs, and cells into your colon pipes, and if you are like the average person you may have many pounds of toxic fecal waste, mucoid plaque, worms and parasites infesting your body. You must cleanse your colon to restore health. A large number of worms and parasites could be living inside your body and hardly anyone is immune to this. These creatures can literally eat you from the inside out. The heavy layer of mucoid plaque that is on the colon walls of every person is a breeding ground for these critters. You cannot restore health with a dirty colon. Heavy Metals attach to fungus, mold, virus, candida, and other types of yeast and bacteria making it more difficult to eliminate these toxins. The most important thing to do in a daily list should be washing away all the toxins wastages from the body, this should be the top priority of everyone's list!
The Acidity and Gastric mainly are caused due to a motion problem. That is if any person does not pass stool completely then acidity problem or gastric problem occurs. Actually many other problems like joint pains and skin infections or allergies are also caused if we do not pass stool completely and regularly. Always try to eat simple nutrition meal, in limited, lighter, and chew the food nicely .. so it helps your digestion better, makes less gassy.
The solution to less gassy: *Early morning Drink more water, fill the stomach with water as much as you can and walk for a few minutes and pass the stool twice and do the same in the evening.
* Eat more fiber contained food to pass the stool freely. eg: Leafy vegetables, fruits, chia seeds and natural vegetarian food. So that this problem will be solved easily and completely.
Beware of habits: The habits that causes you to swallow excess of air such as chewing a gum, drinking juices through straw, smoking.. all these causes tummy to fill with air to bloat.
Healthy Indian Dishes (eat freshly cooked food, ensure every meal is 100% Organic):
- Dosa (Onion, Ragi, Spinach, Pesarattu) with chutneys like Coconut/ Tomato/ or Peanut with curry leaves. If you want to eat Idli make them healthy with ragi or carrots or with mixed green vegetables.
- Stir Fry (Use Organic Veggies, Carrots & Beetroot, Red Cabbage, Sprouts). (Tip: In cooking use Turmeric, Basil, or Mint leaves, Cilantro and Coconut in curries).
- Choose grilled foods over fried snacks. You'll be making a healthier choice by avoiding the use of batter and excess oil.
- Organic Veggie Cutlets. (*Use Cinnamon in food, very good for the heart).
- Preferable OILS to cook: Use unprocessed Coconut Oil in Summer-time, Sesame oil (Winter-time) for cooking. At the end of cooking you can toss on the dish with grass-fed Cow's Ghee which has many health benefits. (*Coconut, Sesame and Grass-fed Cow's ghee oils are considered to be KING OF OILS). Other preferable organic oils to cook are Grapeseed, Peanut, Avocado, Canola or Mustard Oil. The nutrition Oils like Olive or Flax can be tossed at the end on cooked dishes. *Remember the Olive and Flax oils are NOT meant to heat for cooking. Note: Always use Oils any kind in very small amounts.
- Green Organic Leafy curries. (Clean each leaf thoroughly soaked in warm water).
- Pulses/Lentils (Urad Dal, Moong Dal), Soups (Sambar, Rasam).
- Curries (Drum stick, Bottle Gourd/Lauki, Cage-free Brown Eggs, Spinach, Kale, Broccoli, Tofu, Brown Mushroom, Bitter Melon, Oakra (Bhendi), Tomato, Cabbage).
- Beans (Kidney (rajma) beans, Pinto Beans).
- Chloe (Chickpea).
- Rice (Spinach/Tomato/Lemon/Curd/Veggie pulao) *Use Quinoa or Brown rice instead of white rice.
- Salt: Use salt in limits but use only Himalaya Kala namak/Rock/Sendha Pink natural salt for cooking. (*DO NOT use chemically refined white salt, more intake of white iodized salt causes paralysis, high blood pressure, leads to diabetes and cancer). *Remember: always use the salt while the dish is cooking, do not use salt at the end.
- Sweets: Use HONEY or Maple Syrup Or Palm JAGGERY (but DO NOT use chemically refined white Sugar at all). Milk: Drink grass-fed cow's milk which improves good HDL, whereas buffalo's milk is not good, increases your LDL. *Almond milk is the BEST of all.
- Healthy cooking pans/vessels: Use only Stainless Steel/ Cast iron/ Copper or Ceramic ones, as these are recommended cookware vessels which are safe to cook. Avoid non-stick vessels. If there is non-stick (toxic) coated lines on the surface then ensure they are free from POFA (Perfluorooctanoic acid) also known as C8, is a man-made chemical. PFOA has the potential to be more of a health concern because it can stay in the environment and in the human body for long periods of time. (*ALSO: DO NOT USE Aluminium vessels in the kitchen, as they are toxic too). Top 18 best vegetables: Spinach, Kale, Broccoli, Red Cabbage, Cauliflower, Tomato, Carrot, Okra (Lady Finger), Beetroot, Radish, String Beans, Swiss Chard, Peas, Brussels sprouts, Squash, Red Onions, Avocados and Sweet Potato.
- If you are craving for chicken, eat only healthy Village Hen (Cage-Free/ Natu Kodi) chicken for curries or Biryani. (DO NOT eat red meat beef or pork or farm-raised chicken).
- If you are craving for pickles like mango, lemon, etc.. make sure they are mixed with Methi or Ajwain or Jeera.. this way its healthy to eat and good for the body.
- Best Herbs: Onions, Ginger, Parsley Leaves, Chives, Horseradish, Mint, Cilantro, and Celery.
- For better digestion drink water only after 2 hours later having the meal, and during the meal to clear the throat, either have almond milk/buttermilk or carrot juice in small sips.
- Grow 100% Organic food in your home garden for better WORLD OF TOMORROW. ;
DONT'S List (Foods that are Bad and Dangerous to Health):
... Over-consumption of unhealthy foods, over the period of time gets accumulated year by year, and leads to cancer, sickness, weakness and other organ diseases.
- SALT intake is dangerous, more Sodium intake LEADS TO DIABETES, CANCER and HIGH BP. (Instead of white table ocean salt, use Himalayas/Rock/Sendha pink salt for cooking). More intake of white ocean Salt also causes Heart Disease, Paralysis, Renal Problems, Arthritis, Obesity, Body Odor, Swelling, Asthma, Allergy, Sinus.
- MOSS: (Masala, Oil, Salt, and Sugar). Over time regular intake of all these MOSS, not organic foods will lead to cancer. (Note: In your cooking, use masalas in small amounts).
- SUGAR intake is dangerous LEADS TO DIABETES AND CANCER. Avoid chemical white sugar completely.. instead of white sugar, use Honey or Palm Jaggery (Gud). Note: Refined white Sugar is chemical and slow poison, and its over-consumption leads to Obesity, cancer, aging, wrinkles all over body, cardiovascular heart disease, high blood pressure, adult-onset diabetes, eczema, kidney stones, depression, candida (fungus yeast over-growth), anxiety, tooth decay, dental cavities, atherosclerosis, poor brain function, and countless other conditions.
- Deep-fried.
- Whites (Salt, Sugar, Rice, Ice Creams).
- Avoid SATURATED & Refined OILS like Dalda, Palmolive, Cottonseed, Vegetable oil, Corn, Soybean oil. All refined oils are chemically processed which is very bad to health.
- Maida (Plain white refined flour).
- BEWARE of roadside food as they may be using very unhealthy ingredients, un-hygiene, and oils used is extracted from dead animals fat and bones.
- Excess Cheese.
- Chewing gum makes tummy bloat, causes gassy.
- Be away from Allopathic treatments, drugs, and chemotherapy. Go for natural way treatment for eg: As per Ayurveda drinking, organic turmeric powder mixed with milk or warm water treats many of the cancer issues. Tea, Coffee, Tobacco and Hard Alcohols. Note: Alcohol damages the liver, nerve, and brain. It leads to cancer in mouth, throat and food pipe. Alcohol needs to be stopped because it limits the blood’s ability to carry oxygen, places additional strain on the liver to detoxify and remove it from the body; and in general, it is toxic.
- Avoid drinking cool water and cold food from the refrigerator to avoid constipation.
Smoking & Alcohol is injurious to Health - Most of the noodles are made of wax-coated & usage of dead animals oil, try to avoid having the shiny noodles.
- Beverages/Sodas. (The phosphoric acid in soda takes calcium from bones and prevents calcium from being absorbed. Note: You know Phosphoric acid can clean your car battery and unclog your drain.).
- Canned and Processed Foods like Red Meat, Bread, Cakes, Pastries, Pizza, Pasta, Candies, Cookies. All meats are high in protein, difficult to digest, often high in fat, and make additional work for the liver and excretory systems.
- Artificial Colors, Preservatives, Ketchup, and Flavors food.
- Avoid the use of Aluminium vessels and Pressure Cooker, throw them away.
- Baking Soda powder contains high Sodium and Aluminium.
- White Mushroom: Standard white mushrooms are not a vegetable, but a fungus. They are difficult to digest, provides little nutrition.
- Garlic is very toxic to the body. But its less harmful when taken in the heated cooked food. Though garlic has many antibacterial benefits, also reduces bad cholesterol, BUT it has many other side effects to the brain, asthma, prolongs bleeding, stomach problems, etc..
- Avoid Appy Fizz as it contains the cancer-causing agent.
- Avoid eating kurkure because it contains a high amount of plastic if U don't believe, burn kurkure and you can see plastic melting. Please SHARE this whom you care!! News reported from Times of India.
- Gluten Food. (Avoid Gluten food which is found in wheat, rye, and barley, makes the dough resilient and stretchy. This can eventually interfere with the absorption of nutrients from food. This condition, called celiac disease, can cause symptoms like gas, bloating, and abdominal cramps.).
- Avoid GMO (Genetically Modified Organisms) Food. Look for non-GMO or GMO-free labels on the food products.
- Radon Gas: Test your home basements for Radon causes lung cancer.
- DO NOT use Aluminium Pans, and Don't use non-stick pans to cook over 300 degrees, throw them away when its coating gets scratched. *Use the Stainless Steel, Cast iron, Copper, or Ceramic cookware which are safe to cook. In these, if there are any non-stick coated lines, ensure they are free from POFA.
- Microwaving the food or popcorns are very bad to health. STOP Microwaving.
- Following food combination is not good for health:
Yogurt with Orange/ Lemon.
Milk with Yogurt.
Onions with Milk is very bad for health.
Milk and Jack fruit are very bad for health.
Fish with Yogurt or Milk is not at all good. This combination forms toxins in the body and
destroy the body's immunity.
Avoid having Hot tea with Cold like Ice cream is harmful to health.
Do not eat mix Honey with Ghee.
Do not eat Dahi Wada .. (Urad Daal - Lentil) mixed with Yogurt doesn't go well,
It increases High Blood Pressure, continue of eating will lead to a heart attack.
Do not mix fruits with your meals: Break your fast with fruits or consume them after you
are done with your meals after 2 hours. Fruits when combined with minerals, fats and
proteins present in other foods can hinder digestion.
Do not combine cheese with nuts and seafood with other meat: Your body is programmed to digest one concentrated form of protein at a time. Consuming more than
one can create complications in your digestive system.
"Don't eat fish or shrimp with chicken together" upsets your digestive system.
Avoid combining citrus foods with milk-based foods: Acidic acid curdles milk which can upset your stomach. Proteins and starch together is also not a great idea. If you are planning to gorge on a feast full of lean meat, try balancing it out with some fresh veggies.
Burger with Fries: The overcooked fat and preservatives found in burgers combine with the sugar in the starchy potato fries creating cytokines. Cytokines kill cells, speed up aging and cause long-term metabolic syndrome. Choose a less fatty burger with pickle or a salad as aside.
Melons and Milk: Melons digest quickly while milk takes a while, therefore, this combination can lead to indigestion. Also, melons have high water and sugar content so
it's better to have it on an empty stomach and alone.
Tomatoes with Copper is very reactive-- and one that leeches metal into acidic foods. It isn't a good idea to cook or store acidic foods such as tomatoes in copper pans or containers because the metal that seeps into the food can be toxic. This can cause nausea, vomiting and
diarrhea if consumed in sufficient quantity.
- BE CAUTIOUS OF CALCIUM CARBIDE, Wax, Bleach & other harmful chemicals are being injected and sprayed onto the vegetables, pulses, milk, ghee, oils, and fruits to shine and ripen faster growth When eaten this chemically sprayed food will cause severe health issues, cancer to death. Beware of this harmful secrete practice happening in many countries.
- AVOID NON-ORGANIC FOODS where the Chemicals, GMO (genetically modified organism), Lead, Nitrates, Mercury, Chlorine, and Pesticides are been used to grow food. By eating all these contaminated non-organic food vegetables, leaves, pulses, fruits, meats.. will slowly make us sick and leads to many diseases, health issues, and CANCER.
- BE CAUTIOUS of poultry (chickens) fed with antibiotics and hormones are very harmful to health when eaten.
Very nice, interesting information and thank you for sharing.
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